主題課程 Mini Lesson

pancake (n)鬆餅

mix (v)攪拌

batter (n)麵糊

pour (v)倒

spoon (n)湯匙

pan (n) 平底鍋

The teacher helps his students make pancakes. 這位老師幫助他的學生製作鬆餅。

The student mixes the batter together in the pot. 同學在鍋子攪拌麵糊。

The teacher pours the batter onto the pan with a spoon. 老師用湯匙將麵糊倒到平底鍋。

The student uses a pan to cook a pancake. 學生用平底鍋做鬆餅。

band (n) 樂團

guitarist (n) 吉他手

drummer (n) 鼓手

keyboard player (n)  鍵盤手

singer (n) 歌手

The band plays a pop song at the school concert. 這個樂團在學校音樂會中演唱一首流行歌曲。

The guitarists are important members of the band. 吉他手是樂團中的重要份子。

The drummer in the band keeps the beat. 樂團的鼓手掌控節奏。

The keyboard player plays the chords and melodies. 鍵盤手彈奏和弦與旋律。

The band's singer has a great voice.  樂團的歌手聲音很美妙。

Vocabulary 實用單字

1. jump rope (n) 跳繩

2. exercise (n) 運動

3. handles (n) 把手、柄

4. practice (v) 練習

5. swing (v) 擺動

6. trick (n) 特技


1. Jumping rope is good exercise. 跳繩是很棒的運動。

2. I hold the rope by the handles. 我握著跳繩的柄。

3. Students practice with a jump rope during recess.下課期間,學生會練習跳繩。

4. The teacher is swinging the rope.老師正在擺動繩索。

5. I can do tricks with the jump rope. 我可以用跳繩做特技。

Vocabulary 實用單字

Harmonica (n) 口琴 

Musical Instrument  (n) 樂器

Sheet music (n) 樂譜

Play (v) 吹

Practice (v) 練習


The harmonica is a musical instrument. 口琴是一種樂器。

The students are playing their harmonicas together in class. 學生在上課中一起吹口琴。

The kids are learning to read sheet music. 小朋友學習看樂譜。

Practice the harmonica every day, and you will get better and better. 每天練習吹口琴,你會愈來愈棒。

Vocabulary 實用單字

blackboard (n) 黑板

chalk holder (n) 粉筆夾

erase (v) 擦

clean (v) 清理

eraser cleaning machine (n) 板擦機


The girl puts a piece of chalk into a chalk holder. 這個女孩將粉筆放進粉筆夾。

She writes her name on the blackboard. 她在黑板上面寫上她的名字。

The boy erases the blackboard with an eraser. 這個男孩用板擦擦黑板。

Next he cleans the eraser with the eraser cleaning machine. 接著他用板擦機來清理板擦。