Word of the Day 每日一字

The students must draw a family photo in the art class.學生們必須在美術課上畫家人的照片。

After drawing, they color their pictures.畫完後,再給他們的圖上色。

A circuit is a path for electricity to travel in. 電路是讓電流通行的路徑。

The students have made a simple circuit. 學生們製作了一個簡單電路。

We're playing tug-of-war at recess. 我們在下課時間玩拔河。

The two teams are pulling on the rope in the tug-of-war game. 兩個隊伍在拔河時拉繩子。

Kicking is part of swimming. 打水是游泳的一部份。

The students are practicing kicking. 學生們正在練習打水。

The students practice playing their harmonicas.學生們練習吹口琴。

The teacher helps her students read the music for harmonica.老師幫助她的學生閱讀口琴樂譜。

The students are highlighting their books. 學生們正在書上劃重點。

You highlight the important information in your reading.  閱讀時你會將重要的資訊畫重點。

The students share their art projects. 同學們分享他們的美術作業。

The art project is on how to take care of the earth. 這項美術作業主題是照顧地球。

A read-aloud competition helps students with their speaking skills. 朗讀比賽有助於學生的說話技巧。

The students are preparing for a read-aloud competition. 學生們正在為朗讀比賽做準備。

The student uses a pan to cook a pancake. 學生用平底鍋煎鬆餅。

The teacher helps his students make pancakes.  老師幫助他的學生製作鬆餅。

The teacher shows us how to make a marshmallow snowman. 老師為我們示範如何做棉花糖雪人。

The students build snowmen out of marshmallows. 同學們用棉花糖做成雪人。

The teacher shows how to make a Santa Claus mask. 老師示範如何製作聖誕老人面具。

The students wear their masks after they are finished. 完成後,學生們戴上他們的面具。

Can you sweep the floor with the broom? 你能用掃帚掃地嗎?

I'm sweeping the dust into a dustpan. 我正在把灰塵掃到畚斗。

A good storyteller teaches a lesson and entertains you at the same time. 一個擅長講故事的人可以教導大家道理,同時又兼具娛樂大眾。 The storytellers can use real or fictional information to tell a story. 講故事的人可能用真實或者是虛構的情節來說故事。

The teacher is showing his students how to put on protective gear. 老師正在教他的學生如何穿上防護裝備。 This type of protective gear is used in kendo class.這種護具用於劍道課程。

These students are reading newspapers. 這些學生正在看報紙。 Newspapers give you news, sports, weather, and other information. 報紙為您提供新聞、體育、天氣和其他訊息。

The teacher is showing how to dribble the ball in PE class. 老師在體育課上演示如何運球。 The students practice dribbling using both their left and right hands. 學生們用左右手練習運球。

The students are stretching for swimming class. 學生們正在為游泳課做伸展運動。 The students are practicing swimming in swimming class. 學生們正在游泳課上練習游泳。

CPR is a procedure that can save someone's life if their heart stops beating. 心肺復甦術是種醫療處理,當有人心臟停止跳動時可以用它來救人一命。 CPR isn't only useful for adults to learn; kids can learn and perform CPR, too. 心肺復甦術不僅對大人很有用,小孩子也可以學習做CPR。

On April 23, World Book Day, a day to promote books and reading, is celebrated around the world. 4月23日世界閱讀日是全世界推廣書本與閱讀的日子。 On World Book Day, the school organizes an event at the school library to promote reading. 在世界閱讀日當天,學校在圖書館辦了一個活動來推廣閱讀。

The teacher reviews phonics in class. 老師在課堂上複習自然發音。 The students play a game to practice their phonics skills. 同學們玩一個遊戲來練習他們自然發音的技巧。

Earth is the planet we live on. 地球是我們居住的星球。 On Earth Day, the teacher shows her students ways to take care of the Earth. 在世界地球日當天,老師為學生展示愛護地球的各種方式。

彰化縣溪州僑義國小雙語計畫 Chiao Yi Elementary School Bilingual Program

The student cleans the eraser after turning on the eraser cleaning machine. 


After he's done, he will turn it off
